UNbreakable Romania starts the registration for the autumn-winter season of the national cybersecurity contest. Check the official website: https://unbreakable.ro/stiri/au-inceput-inscrierile-la-unbreakable-romania-sezonul-de-toamna-iarna-2021/
Unbreakable Romania – Teams – Winners
A team of the University of Bucharest placed first in the Competition Unbreakable Romania (season spring-summer 2021). Congratulations to Dragos Albastroiu, Mihail Feraru (undergraduates at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science), and Andrei Ciobanu (master student enrolled at our Security and Applied Logic master program) for finishing the team competition on the first place! More information available here.
Unbreakable Romania – Winners
The University of Bucharest is placed in the top for the best score at the Individual Competition Unbreakable Romania (season spring-summer 2021). Congratulations to Dragos Albastroiu, undergraduate at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, for finishing the individual competition on the first place! More information available here.
Unbreakable Romania
We are pleased to support UNbreakable Romania – the national competition organised for students in the country preparing for a career in cybersecurity.
- The preparation stage will start on April 1 when the registered participants will have at their disposal theoretical and practical resources that will allow them to become familiar with the format and methodology of the contest.
2. The individual contest will take place between May 14-16.
3. The team competition will take place on June 4-6.
At the end of the season, there will be a national #ROEduCyberSkills ranking that will provide an overview of cybersecurity performance in Romania.
Registration is free and is available on the official website: https://unbreakable.ro/inregistrare
Hack The Box University 2020 – Qualifier Round
The students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Dragoș Albastroiu (3rd-year, CTI) – captain, Robert Dobre (3rd-year, Computer Science), Mihail Feraru (2nd-year, Computer Science) and Andrei Ciobanu (2nd-year master, Security and Applied Logic) represented the University of Bucharest at the Hack The Box University 2020 Qualifier Round, which took place in November, 19th-22nd, online. In the competition participated teams from universities all around the world, and the team of the University of Bucharest ranked among the best, becoming eligible to remain in the competition.
Internship at CERT-RO
A possibility for internship at CERT-RO for the students of the University of Bucharest: https://unibuc.ro/stagiu-de-voluntariat-la-cert-ro-pentru-studentii-universitatii-din-bucuresti/
Universitatea din Bucuresti – Hack the Box
Universitatea din Bucuresti este acum prezenta pe Hack the Box!
Daca aveti cont pe Hack the Box si vreti sa primiti o invitatie pentru a face parte din echipa de studenti a universitatii, trimiteti user-ul, numele complet, grupa si un e-mail de contact (catre Ruxandra Olimid).
Cyber Security (PREGATIRE pentru ECSC 2020)
Prima intalnire de pregatire cu studentii FMI pentru ECSC 2020 va avea loc miercuri, 26 februarie, ora 14:00 in sala 214 (sala Google). Participa: Silviu Sofronie (Bitdefender). Cei care doresc sa participe trebuie sa completeze urmatorul formular: https://forms.gle/RNMK2aPbehE1BGBD6
Mai multe informatii despre ECSC: http://www.cybersecuritychallenge.ro/
Pentru studentii la masterul de SLA, participarea la orele de pregatire poate fi considerata practica (mai multe detalii la cerere, la prima intalnire).
Va asteptam!
Cyber Security (PREGATIRE pentru ECSC 2019)
A doua intalnire pentru clubul de securitate, SS – Cyber Security (pregatire pentru CESC 2019) va avea loc luni, 11 martie, ora 18:00 in sala 218. Speaker: Ioan Constantin (Orange), antrenor al echipei nationale anul trecut. Va asteptam!
Cyber Security (PREGATIRE pentru ECSC 2019)
Prima intalnire pentru clubul de securitate, SS – Cyber Security (pregatire pentru CESC 2019) va avea loc luni, 4 martie, ora 18:00 in sala 218. Va asteptam!
Mai multe informatii despre concurs: http://www.cybersecuritychallenge.ro/