SAL’s .hidden CTF team is placed second in Romania

The .hidden CTF team, founded by 4 passionate SAL students less than 3 months ago, has gained momentum placing second country wise on the global leaderboard on CTFtime for 2023 and 449th out of 23,152 worldwide.

.hidden has been on a streak in recent CTF competitions and are planning to attend more over the summer:

If you are interested to join their team, feel free to contact them at

Unbreakable Romania – Teams – Winners

A team of the University of Bucharest placed first in the Competition Unbreakable Romania (season spring-summer 2021). Congratulations to Dragos Albastroiu, Mihail Feraru (undergraduates at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science), and Andrei Ciobanu (master student enrolled at our Security and Applied Logic master program) for finishing the team competition on the first place! More information available here.

Unbreakable Romania – Winners

The University of Bucharest is placed in the top for the best score at the Individual Competition Unbreakable Romania (season spring-summer 2021). Congratulations to Dragos Albastroiu, undergraduate at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, for finishing the individual competition on the first place! More information available here.

Unbreakable Romania

We are pleased to support UNbreakable Romania – the national competition organised for students in the country preparing for a career in cybersecurity.

  1. The preparation stage will start on April 1 when the registered participants will have at their disposal theoretical and practical resources that will allow them to become familiar with the format and methodology of the contest.

2. The individual contest will take place between May 14-16.

3. The team competition will take place on June 4-6.

At the end of the season, there will be a national #ROEduCyberSkills ranking that will provide an overview of cybersecurity performance in Romania.

Registration is free and is available on the official website:

Hack The Box University 2020 – Qualifier Round

The students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Dragoș Albastroiu (3rd-year, CTI) – captain, Robert Dobre (3rd-year, Computer Science), Mihail Feraru (2nd-year, Computer Science) and Andrei Ciobanu (2nd-year master, Security and Applied Logic) represented the University of Bucharest at the Hack The Box University 2020 Qualifier Round, which took place in November, 19th-22nd, online. In the competition participated teams from universities all around the world, and the team of the University of Bucharest ranked among the best, becoming eligible to remain in the competition.

Practica Anul I Sem. II

Pentru desfășurarea activitaților de practică din anul I, semestrul I, studenții SLA au la dispoziție următoarele opțiuni:

    Activitatea se desfășoară în facultate, profesor îndrumător: Mihăiță Drăgan.
    Se adreseaza studentilor care doresc sa participe la Campionatul European de Securitate Cibernetică, profesor îndrumător: Ruxandra Olimid.
    Activitatea se desfăsoară la sediul firmelor cu care avem parteneriat. În acest an, vă propunem urmă toarele companii:

– Runtime Verification Romania, subsidiara a Runtime Verification, Inc


Vor fi anuntati si alti parteneri!

    Studenții aleg dintre temele de cercetare propuse, activitatea este supervizată de profesorul care a propus tema. Studenții pot propune teme de cercetare, în acest caz ei trebuie sa îsi gaseasca un profesor coordonator.
    Studenții îsi gasesc singuri firma la care vor desfăsura activitatea de practică. In acest caz firma trebuie să semneze acordul de practică cu facultatea, iar activitatea trebuie sa fie supervizată de dl. prof. Silviu Laurențiu Vasile.

Mai multe detalii pe pagina moodle a masterului.