Practical Training for First Year SAL Students 2021-2022

To satisfy the Practical training requirement, all students must submit a Practical Training Certificate of Completion (Adeverință de practică).

First year SAL students must choose one of the options described below.

  • FMI infrastructure
    Activity for the FMI coordinated by professor Mihăiță Drăgan, email: dragan_mihaita [at]
    Internships with one of SAL’s industrial partners. This year, we propose the following companies:
    •  Bitdefender. The SAL practical training coordinator at Bitdefender is Silviu Sofronie. If you want to intern at Bitdefender, send your CV to ssofronie [at] bitdefender[.]com. More details can be found here.
    • Secureworks. The SAL practical training coordinator at Secureworks is Alin Puncioiu, email: apuncioiu [at] secureworks[.]com. More details can be found here
    • BRD is offering both practical and research internships. The SAL practical training coordinator at BRD is Horial Velicu, email: horia.velicu [at] brd[.]ro. More details can be found here
    • Cyberint (SRI) offers 5 internships for SAL students, email: cnc [at] cyberint[.]ro. More details can be found here (programs can be tailored to minimum number of hours required for practical training)
    • Runtime Verification.  The practical training for SAL students is coordinated by Traian Serbanuta, email: traian.serbanuta [at] runtimeverification[.]com
    Students can either select one of the research topics proposed below, in which case their activity is coordinated by the professor proposing that subject; or, they can propose their own research topics, in which case they need to find a professor to coordinate their activity.

    Proposed topics:
    Paul Irofti, email: paul.irofti [at] fmi.unibuc[.]ro [topics][detailed report]
    Paul IroftiHoria Velicu, email: horia.velicu[at]brd[.]ro [research internship at BRD]
    Laurentiu Leustean, email: laurentiu.leustean[at]unibuc[.]ro [topics]
    Mihai Prunescu, email: mihai.prunescu [at] fmi.unibuc[.]ro [topics]
    Traian Serbanuta, email: traian.serbanuta [at]unibuc[.]ro [topics]
    Silviu-Laurentiu Vasile, email: vsl[at]fmi.unibuc[.]ro [topics].
  • TRAINING for CTF competitions
    Solve exercises and prepare for CTF competitions (e.g., ECSC, Ro-CSC, Hack the Box). Coordinated by professor Ruxandra Olimid, email: ruxandra.olimid [at] fmi.unibuc[.]ro
    Any other option for practical training needs to be previously approved! If you have another option for practical training please send a detalied email to vsl[at]fmi.unibuc[.]ro (subject “SAL practical training “).