Operational Semantics of Security Protocols II

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Ioana Leustean (University of Bucharest) Abstract:  We continue our presentation on operational semantics of  security protocols, as developed in: C. Cremers, S. Mauw, Operational Semantics and Verification of Security Protocols, Springer, 2012.

First-order logic and vagueness

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Marian Calborean (University of Bucharest) Abstract: The Sorites paradox is usually studied as a propositional paradox. However, the general form of the Sorites is second-order, with three main features. It doesn’t contain any arbitrary parameters. It can be used to generate the propositional Sorites by appropriate replacement of the second-order premise with arbitrary clauses.

Off-the-Record Communication (OTR) si CryptoGo (joc de carti de criptografie)

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, amf.2 (Pompei)

Title: Off-the-Record Communication (OTR) Speaker: Mihail-Iulian Plesa Abstract:  Off-the-Record Communication (OTR) este un protocol care modealeaza o discutie dintre doua entitati, care ar trebui sa satisfaca anumite proprietati de securitate. Vom vorbi despre proprietatile acestui tip de comunicatie si despre cum pot fi acestea implementate in mediul online. Vom discuta apoi despre protocolul OTR integrat

Challenges in Banking

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala Google

Speaker: Horia Velicu (BRD - Groupe Societe Generale) Abstract: Presentation of topics of interest for 2020, objectives and data available at BRD. Proposals for the themes for the applied research institute that will be sponsored this year. Presentation of the new BRD AI Hub.

A quantitative analysis of the “Lion-Man” game

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala Google

Speaker: Ulrich Kohlenbach (Technische Universität Darmstadt) Title: A quantitative analysis of the “Lion-Man” game Abstract: We analyze, based on an interplay between ideas and techniques from logic and geometric analysis, a pursuit-evasion game. More precisely, we focus on a discrete lion and man game with an ε-capture criterion. We prove that in uniformly convex bounded domains the lion always

BLOCKCHAIN – More than a buzzword

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 219

Title: BLOCKCHAIN - More than a buzzword Speaker: Ionut-Daniel Dobos (MBN Technologies) Abstract: In this presentation we will take a look at the concept of a blockchain as a mean to hold historical transactional data (while maintaining all the core concepts of Cryptography) and moreover, to see how IPFS uses such approaches to ensure a

POSTPONED: Securing Businesses and Critical Infrastructure

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala Google

POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.   Speaker: Ioan Constantin (Orange Romania) Abstract: A brief walkthrough some of the challenges in offering advanced cyber security solutions for Business and Critical Infrastructures, from a Managed Security Services Provider's standpoint. We'll talk threat detection and mitigation, the specifics of OT Security in Critical Infrastructure, compliance and best practices. We'll also

POSTPONED: Protocols in Dynamic Epistemic Logic

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Speaker: Alexandru Dragomir (University of Bucharest) Title: Protocols in Dynamic Epistemic Logic Abstract: Dynamic epistemic logics are useful in reasoning about knowledge and certain acts of learning (epistemic actions). However, not all epistemic actions are allowed to be executed in an initial epistemic model, and this is where the concept of a

Formalizing Gödel’s System T in Lean

Title: Formalizing Gödel's System T in Lean Speaker: Horațiu Cheval (University of Bucharest) Abstract: In 1958, Gödel introduced his functional interpretation as a method of reducing the consistency of first-order arithmetic to that of a quantifier-free system of primitive recursive functionals of higher type. His work has since enabled other advances in proof theory, notably

Unwinding of proofs

Title: Unwinding of proofs Speaker: Pedro Pinto (TU Darmstadt) Abstract: The unwinding of proofs program dates back to Kreisel in the fifties and rests on the following broad question: “What more do we know if we have proved a theorem by restricted means than if we merely know that it is true?”   This research