Verification of strategic properties for the Prêt-À-Voter protocol using Tamarin (joint work with Wojtek Jamroga and Damian Kurpiewski)

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala Google

Speaker:  Catalin Dima (Université Paris-Est Créteil) Abstract: We report on the verification of anonymity and coercion-freeness properties of the Prêt-À-Voter electronic voting protocol using the Tamarin tool for symbolic verification of security properties. Our approach is to generate many models corresponding with each choice of attacker actions (i.e. attacker strategies) and check, on each model, a "trace equivalence" lemma modeling the fact that the

Criptosistemul lui McEliece, dupa 40 de ani de criptanaliza

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 220 Strada Academiei 14, Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Romania

Speaker:  Vlad Dragoi (Univ. Aurel Vlaicu Arad) Abstract: Aceasta prezentare are ca scop descrierea principalelor solutii de criptare asimetrica cu ajutorul codurilor corectoare de erori. Vom incerca sa discutam cat mai multe aspecte legate de aceste protocoale, cum ar fi: natura codurilor folosite in acest context, complexitatea algoritmilor de criptare si decriptare, securitatea protocolului (distinguisher, message

Security aspects for blockchain

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Andreea Elena Panait (University of Bucharest). Abstract: The presentation will include introductive notions about blockchain, the main types of attacks on the blockchain network and possible countermeasures, attack examples that occurred during the years, blockchain implementation examples and possible domains where blockchain can be used.

Security via user behavior

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Cezara Benegui (University of Bucharest). Abstract: The presentation will be based on earlier research done on user behaviour understanding and detection, learning it using machine learning and artificial intelligence and further information about how user behaviour can be used to improve the security of software applications. Also, the presentation will include information about biometrics

The hybridization of many-sorted polyadic modal logic

Speaker: Natalia Moangă (University of Bucharest). Abstract: Hybrid logics are obtained by enriching modal logics with nominals and state variables, that directly refer the individual points in a Kripke model. In the present work we develop a hybrid version on top of our many-sorted polyadic logic, previously defined. Our system has nominals and state variables

An introduction to BAN logic (a logic of authentication)

Speaker: Alexandru Dragomir (University of Bucharest) Abstract: One of the first and most discussed logical approaches to the problem of verifying security protocols is the one proposed in BAN logic (Burrows, Abadi & Needham 1989), a many-sorted modal logic used for its intuitive and compelling set of inference rules devised for reasoning about an agent’s

Functional Encryption (FE)

Speaker:  Radu Titiu Abstract: Functional Encryption (FE) este o primitiva criptografica moderna care generalizeaza notiunea de criptografie cu cheie publica in felul urmator. In mod normal algoritmul de decriptare se foloseste de cheia secreta pentru a recupera intreg mesajul criptat cu cheia publica. FE permite o decriptare controlata a mesajului: detinatorul cheii secrete K poate sa

Lindström’s Theorems

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Mihai Prunescu (University of Bucharest) Abstract: Regular logic systems which are strictly stronger than the first order predicate calculus cannot satisfy in the same time Löwenheim-Skolem for statements and compacity (Lindström 1). Effectively presented such systems cannot satisfy in the same time Löwenheim-Skolem for statements and the condition that the set of generally valid

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 219

Speaker:  Ana Costache Abstract: Fully homomorphic encryption este un tip de criptare care permite manipularea datelor criptate pastrand securitatea acestora. Ana va introduce notiunea de latice, si va defini FHE. De asemenea, va vorbi despre librarii FHE si despre relevanta FHE in lumea comerciala.