Functional Encryption (FE)

Speaker:  Radu Titiu Abstract: Functional Encryption (FE) este o primitiva criptografica moderna care generalizeaza notiunea de criptografie cu cheie publica in felul urmator. In mod normal algoritmul de decriptare se foloseste de cheia secreta pentru a recupera intreg mesajul criptat cu cheia publica. FE permite o decriptare controlata a mesajului: detinatorul cheii secrete K poate sa

Lindström’s Theorems

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Mihai Prunescu (University of Bucharest) Abstract: Regular logic systems which are strictly stronger than the first order predicate calculus cannot satisfy in the same time Löwenheim-Skolem for statements and compacity (Lindström 1). Effectively presented such systems cannot satisfy in the same time Löwenheim-Skolem for statements and the condition that the set of generally valid

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 219

Speaker:  Ana Costache Abstract: Fully homomorphic encryption este un tip de criptare care permite manipularea datelor criptate pastrand securitatea acestora. Ana va introduce notiunea de latice, si va defini FHE. De asemenea, va vorbi despre librarii FHE si despre relevanta FHE in lumea comerciala.

Verifying security protocols using BAN logic

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Alexandru Dragomir (University of Bucharest) Abstract: Epistemic logics - logics aimed at reasoning about knowledge and belief - are widely considered to be suitable for modelling, analyzing and predicting vulnerabilities of security protocols. One of the first and most discussed logical approaches to the problem of verifying security protocols is the one proposed in

Lindström’s Theorems II

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Mihai Prunescu (University of Bucharest) Abstract: Regular logic systems which are strictly stronger than the first order predicate calculus cannot satisfy in the same time Löwenheim-Skolem for statements and compacity (Lindström 1). Effectively presented such systems cannot satisfy in the same time Löwenheim-Skolem for statements and the condition that the set of generally valid

Verifying security protocols using BAN logic – Part 2

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Alexandru Dragomir (University of Bucharest) Abstract: Epistemic logics - logics aimed at reasoning about knowledge and belief - are widely considered to be suitable for modelling, analyzing and predicting vulnerabilities of security protocols. One of the first and most discussed logical approaches to the problem of verifying security protocols is the one proposed in

How to find bugs in your (x86) code: Applications that use RIVER

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 202

Speaker: Bogdan Ghimiș (University of Bucharest) Abstract: From a security perspective, discovering bugs before shipping a product is crucial. This presentation will be about RIVER, a tool that can help us to inspect x86 binary code. This lecture will encompass two papers describing methods of finding problematic inputs: a genetic algorithm and a method using

Around Hilbert’s Tenth Problem

Speaker: Mihai Prunescu (University of Bucharest) Abstract: We discuss different implications of the negative answer of Hilbert's Tenth Problem: the exponential Diophantine equation over ℕ and ℚ, the minimal number of variables which lead to an undecidable problem over ℤ, the homogeneous Diophantine problem over ℤ.

Blockchain – Intro

Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, sala 219

Speaker:  Ruxandra Olimid (University of Bucharest) Abstract: Short (crypto) introduction in Blockchain. Mostly a reading group, discussing the original bitcoin paper: