The Practical Training options for first year SLA students has been posted at the address:
Internship at CERT-RO
A possibility for internship at CERT-RO for the students of the University of Bucharest:
DefCamp lansează platforma CyberEDU
Universitatea din Bucuresti – Hack the Box
Universitatea din Bucuresti este acum prezenta pe Hack the Box!
Daca aveti cont pe Hack the Box si vreti sa primiti o invitatie pentru a face parte din echipa de studenti a universitatii, trimiteti user-ul, numele complet, grupa si un e-mail de contact (catre Ruxandra Olimid).
POSTPONED: Protocols in Dynamic Epistemic Logic
Title: Protocols in Dynamic Epistemic Logic
Abstract: Dynamic epistemic logics are useful in reasoning about knowledge and certain acts of learning (epistemic actions). However, not all epistemic actions are allowed to be executed in an initial epistemic model, and this is where the concept of a protocol comes in: a protocol stipulates what epistemic actions are allowed to be performed in a model. The aim of my presentation is to introduce the audience to the account of protocols in [1, 2].
[2] Y. Wang, Epistemic Modelling and Protocol Dynamics, PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, 2010.
A quantitative analysis of the “Lion-Man” game
Title: A quantitative analysis of the “Lion-Man” game
Abstract: We analyze, based on an interplay between ideas and techniques from logic and geometric analysis, a pursuit-evasion game. More precisely, we focus on a discrete lion and man game with an ε-capture criterion. We prove that in uniformly convex bounded domains the lion always wins and, using ideas stemming from proof mining, we extract a uniform rate of convergence for the successive distances between the lion and the man. As a byproduct of our analysis, we study the relation among different convexity properties in the setting of geodesic spaces.
Joint work with Genaro López-Acedo and Adriana Nicolae.
Câștigători Burse și Premii Bitdefender
– Burse de merit anul II: Costea Marina si Nicolae Cristian (2500 RON fiecare)
– Burse de merit anul I: Marian Gusatu si Bogdan Macovei (2.500 RON fiecare)
– Premii de cercetare pentru sem I (500 RON fiecare): Marian Gusatu, Bogdan Macovei, Horatiu Cheval, Parvu Daniel
– Bursa de cercetare pentru sem II: Horatiu Cheval (1000 RON pe luna martie-iulie)
POSTPONED: Securing Businesses and Critical Infrastructure
Speaker: Ioan Constantin (Orange Romania)
Abstract: A brief walkthrough some of the challenges in offering advanced cyber security solutions for Business and Critical Infrastructures, from a Managed Security Services Provider’s standpoint. We’ll talk threat detection and mitigation, the specifics of OT Security in Critical Infrastructure, compliance and best practices. We’ll also glance at some of the research and development in these areas.
BLOCKCHAIN – More than a buzzword
Title: BLOCKCHAIN – More than a buzzword
Speaker: Ionut-Daniel Dobos (MBN Technologies)
Abstract: In this presentation we will take a look at the concept of a blockchain as a mean to hold historical transactional data (while maintaining all the core concepts of Cryptography) and moreover, to see how IPFS uses such approaches to ensure a way of general data storage with the same capabilities. We will choose the Ethereum network as a use case for the first topic, taking a deeper look into the upcoming Casper update for the consensus mechanism, introducing the Proof of Stake paradigm.
Practica Anul I Sem. II
Pentru desfășurarea activitaților de practică din anul I, semestrul I, studenții SLA au la dispoziție următoarele opțiuni:
Activitatea se desfășoară în facultate, profesor îndrumător: Mihăiță Drăgan. - FACULTATE – PREGATIRE pentru ECSC 2020
Se adreseaza studentilor care doresc sa participe la Campionatul European de Securitate Cibernetică, profesor îndrumător: Ruxandra Olimid. - INDUSTRIE
Activitatea se desfăsoară la sediul firmelor cu care avem parteneriat. În acest an, vă propunem urmă toarele companii:
– Bitdefender
– certSIGN
– Runtime Verification Romania, subsidiara a Runtime Verification, Inc
– Secureworks
– Orange
– SRI-Cyberint
Vor fi anuntati si alti parteneri!
Studenții aleg dintre temele de cercetare propuse, activitatea este supervizată de profesorul care a propus tema. Studenții pot propune teme de cercetare, în acest caz ei trebuie sa îsi gaseasca un profesor coordonator. - COLABORARE
Studenții îsi gasesc singuri firma la care vor desfăsura activitatea de practică. In acest caz firma trebuie să semneze acordul de practică cu facultatea, iar activitatea trebuie sa fie supervizată de dl. prof. Silviu Laurențiu Vasile.